A captivating fantasy comedy released on the 18th of June 2021, by the name LUCA, is said to have been inspired by some childhood memories of the director, Enrico Casarosa. A look at the storyline tells us a lot about what his childhood could have been like.
It could be a story of a strong friendship being jeopardized by the disclosure of previously unknown identity, as seen between Luca and Alberto.
Another angle to the story could be a friendship threatened by racism or differences in color or nationality. The people of Potorosso had some stereotypes of the “sea monsters” as they called Luca’s kind, as did Luca’s kind, also called the people of Potorosso and other land cities “land monsters”. It could be that the director of the movie had a friend of a different race, and their families or nationalities were skeptical at first about approving their friendship. It was basically a matter of war between the “land monsters” and the “sea monsters” as each defended themselves aggressively against the other.
“Some people will never accept him, others too have already accepted him, and he seems to know how to find the good ones.“
This statement made by Luca’s grandmother in the ending part of the movie portrays an acceptance of Luca’s friendship with Julia and Alberto and conveys some amount of respect to Luca for daring to do the unthinkable and help them all live their true identities.
This could lead us to believe that the families of those who were opposed to the director’s relationship or alliance with his friend had eventually thrown in the towel and accepted the truth that their friendship would benefit everyone.
We witness at the end, both families allowing Luca and Julia to travel together on the same train heading to the same destination; something which was almost impossible at the beginning of the movie.
Luca running away from home when his parents decided to send him to his uncle in the deep of the ocean for disobeying their instruction to go nowhere near the surface provides yet another interesting trail of thought; rebellion. It could be that the director of the movie at one point in his childhood had to run away from home due to unfavorable conditions in the home or rebel majorly against his parent’s decision for his life as it didn’t sit well with him. He could have done this with a friend who might have later sacrificed all he/she had just to see him fulfill his dream as Alberto did for Luca.
The movie could have been an appreciation token to his friend to show him/her just how grateful he is for the sacrifice that was done for him.
Written by GODgirl
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