Shea Butter And It’s Benefits

What is Shea Butter?

Shea butter is a renewable raw material that is extracted from a tree named Vertillaria paradixa (botanical name) or the Bambara.

The shea tree grows naturally in the wild in the dry savannah belt of West Africa, from Senegal in the west to Sudan in the east and onto the foothills of the Ethiopian highlands. It occurs in 21 countries across the African continent

It is a widely used cosmetic in most African countries like Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, South Sudan, Mali, Benin, Togo, and Ivory Coast, just to mention a few, for moisturizing the skin.

Shea butter is commonly used among the people in the northern part of Ghana and it has so many names attributed to it. It is called Nkuto in the Twi and Ga languages, Kpakahili in Dagbani, and Taami in Wali.

The Nigerians also have a way of calling it. The Hausas call it Kade or Kadanya, Ori in Yuroba, and Okwuma in Igbo. In the Senegal language, it is called wolof.

Shea butter, in its various forms, has a lot of benefits for both babies, children, and adults. Here are some benefits that can be derived from shea butter:

Cosmetic purposes of shea butter

  • Shea butter is used on the skin as well as the hair. It makes the skin moist and glow.
  • During harmattan, shea butter is the main cosmetic used in most Ghanaian homes to prevent the skin from getting dried and the lips from cracking.
  • It makes the hair soft and easy to comb, thereby aiding in hair growth. Hence, preventing hair breakage.
  • It aids in treating dandruff, eczema and helps smoothen the face
  • It is believed that shea butter, when used on newborn babies, helps with healthy and moist skin.
  • Shea butter also helps your heel and palm become softer with regular use, and it helps prevent your heels from breaking or cracking.

Medicinal purposes of shea butter

  • When one has a boil occur anywhere on their skin, shea butter is applied to it for pain relief and faster healing. It is applied to the tip of the boil, which helps it become tender for easy bursting.
  • Shea butter is for treating burns and acne. It is also used for treating stretch marks, itchy skin, skin rash, etc.
  • It helps clear nasal congestion and heals swelling gums.
  • It also aids in fighting skin infections caused by fungi.
  • Shea butter is rich in vitamins A and E, acting as powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants play a crucial role in preventing premature aging by shielding your skin cells from harmful free radicals. In simpler terms, shea butter helps keep your skin youthful and vibrant, protecting it from aging and maintaining a radiant appearance.
  • Study says shea butter helps to reduce high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, skin ulcers, muscle soreness, and other conditions.

Domestic purpose os shea butter

  • Shea butter in most Ghanaian traditional homes is used for domestic purposes. It is used in cooking and also frying. For healthy consumption of meals.

Spiritual purposes of shea butter

  • The shea butter tree is believed to be a symbolism of healing the body and giving nourishment and strength to the mind body and soul (spirit)

Three Major Types Of Shea Butter

Shea butter commonly exists in three forms: raw, semi-processed, or ready for further processing upon reaching its destination.

1. The Unrefined Shea Butter

This form of shea butter is extracted directly without undergoing any processing steps. It remains in its natural state, free from additional substances, exhibiting a soft texture and varying shades of yellow. Considered the most effective for moisturizing skin and hair, as well as for healing purposes, this unaltered and undiluted shea butter retains its full natural strength, uncompromised by industrial processes.

2. The Refined Shea Butter

This shea butter has undergone processing, resulting in the loss of its natural color, fragrance, and other inherent strengths. The high-temperature heating during processing causes bleaching and deodorizing, leading to a reduction in the effectiveness of certain beneficial ingredients present in its natural state.

3. The Ultra-Refined Shea Butter

At this stage, shea butter undergoes two or more filtering processes, altering its original composition and resulting in a white color. While it becomes a key ingredient in various cosmetic products, the filtering removes some of its natural, healthy nutrients, making it less suitable for consumption. Additionally, additives introduced during the process may contribute to its unsuitability for consumption.

Basic Facts About Shea Butter From Ghana & Africa

  • Shea butter is cultivated in approximately 21 countries across the African continent.
  • With a global appeal, both shea butter and shea oil are highly sought-after worldwide.
  • Exporting shea butter presents a promising opportunity for a high-profit margin, contingent on the chosen exporting dealer.
  • Ghana stands out as one of the foremost contributors to global shea butter exports.
  • China holds the position of the leading importer of shea butter worldwide. provides data on the leading shea nut producers globally, indicating the countries with the highest production ranks.

  • Nigeria with 39.87% (302.96k metric tons)
  • Mali with 29.76% (226.09k metric tons)
  • Burkina Faso with 18.43% (140.04k metric tons)
  • Ghana with 4.18% (31.59k metric tons)
  • Ivory Coast with 4.16% (31.59k metric tons)
  • Benin with 1.83% (13.91k metric tons)
  • Togo with 1.76% (13.39k metric tons)

How To Produce Shea Butter

After delving into the details of Shea butter, you might be curious about the extraction process, wouldn’t you? Explore the subsequent section for the answer.

1: The Shea shell is manually cracked to release the Shea nut.

2: The extracted nuts are washed and left to dry, eliminating moisture.

3: Extractors pound and crush the dried nuts into small pieces.

4: The crushed pieces are roasted, transforming into a dark chocolate-colored paste.

5: Water is added to the paste, creating a mixture.

6: The paste undergoes purification through multiple washes with pure water.

7: The purified paste is heated, causing the fat to rise to the top and the oil to settle at the bottom.

8: The final step involves skimming off the fat, allowing the oil to settle and solidify into shea butter for use.

Expert extractors adhere to the previously mentioned extraction process, delivering high-quality Shea butter products for your use.

Shea butter allergies

Aside from its benefits, shea butter also causes allergies in some people who come into contact with it.

Contact dermatitis

  • Contact dermatitis can be triggered by various substances, and shea butter is not exempt from causing this reaction.
  • Commonly, substances found in cosmetics and fragrances contribute to the majority of contact dermatitis cases.
  • Individuals, regardless of age or gender, experiencing contact dermatitis may develop a red and itchy rash upon exposure to allergens.

If you observe a rash after using products containing shea butter, it is advisable to seek medical attention at a nearby hospital or clinic. Contact dermatitis occurs when the immune system reacts excessively to substances that typically pose no issues. To prevent triggering symptoms, it’s crucial to diligently check product labels.

Nut allergy

Derived from the shea nut, shea butter may trigger a tree nut allergy. Despite its low protein content, individuals with high sensitivity can experience a reaction. It’s important to note that some people can react to the scent of peanuts due to airborne particles, emphasizing the potential for even minimal nut protein amounts to cause issues. However, it’s rare for shea to cause a nut allergy.

Latex allergy

Due to the presence of natural latex in nearly 10% of plants, including the shea tree, individuals with a latex allergy may experience a reaction. Shea butter, derived from the shea tree, poses a risk of triggering allergic reactions in those with latex allergies.

Symptoms to watch out for

If you’re uncertain about a shea butter allergy, pay attention to the following symptoms after using a product containing shea butter:

  • Red skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Itchy eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Wheezing

Here are some of the benefits, uses, and facts about shea butter. Let me know if this information was helpful to you.

Read Also About;

Joseph Appiah-Duku

Joseph Appiah-Duku is a Digital Marketing Specialist at NALO Solutions, leveraging his IT background to excel in PPC, SEO, and content marketing. His career began in IT, but extensive training in digital marketing facilitated a seamless transition. Joseph's expertise has driven significant month-on-month increases in traffic and sign-ups at NALO Solutions. He has authored articles on SEO algorithm changes, guiding businesses in adapting to industry shifts. In addition to his writing, Joseph hosts video shows and webinars, engaging audiences and promoting NALO Solutions as a passionate brand ambassador. His commitment to the company's values and solutions is evident in all his endeavors. Outside of work, he enjoys watching sci-fi movies and learning new languages, showcasing his love for continuous learning.

Published by
Joseph Appiah-Duku

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